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Lower Body Strength Day

  • Mobility warmup
    • Knee floss
    • Pigeon folds
    • Toe raise
  • Squat 3x5 at 8RPE
  • Squat variation 3x10 at 7RPE
  • Deadlift 3x5 at 8RPE
  • Jefferson curls 3x10 at 7RPE
  • Leg extensions 3x12 at 7RPE
  • Hamstring curls 3x12 at 7RPE
  • Long lever planks 2x30s

Upper Body Push Strength Day

  • Bench press 3x5 at 8RPE
  • Incline press 3x10 at 7RPE
  • Shoulder press 3x5 at 8RPE
  • Cable crossovers 3x12 at 7RPE
  • Dips 3x12
  • Decline crunches 2x12

Upper Body Pull Strength Day

  • Pull ups 40 reps
  • Horizontal row 3x10 at 7RPE
  • Chest supported row 3x10 at 7RPE
  • Face pulls 3x15 at 7RPE
  • Reverse pec deck 3x10 at 7RPE
  • Pushups 2x20
  • Leg raise 2x12

Plyometrics Day

  • Mobility warmup
    • Knee floss
    • Pigeon folds
    • Toe raise
  • Run
  • Rope
  • Weighted Bulgarian squat jumps
  • Seated jumps
  • Single leg hops
  • Weighted L sits

Cardio Day A

  • Long and slow run at 2x pace for >1 hour
  • Cooldown stretch

Cardio Day B

  • Interval sprints at 0.8 pace for 1 hour
  • Cooldown stretch
